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Cereals & derived products
Cereals (wheat, corn, barley, spelt wheat)
Description : Organic Quinua
Organic Amaranth
Medicinal & aromatic plants
Medicinal plants
Description : Juniperi fructus
Juniper berries

our certificate body is BalkanBioCert
Products for organic farming
Description : MICRONIZED POWDER Trichoderma atroviride strain 898G and Glomus spp.

Technical Data Sheet
Safety Data Sheet

TIFI is a product composed of spores (conids and clamidospores) and mycelium of a live fungus not genetically modified, which usually leaves in Mediterranean environments.

After the molecular identification for sequencing of ITS (INRA Versailles, France), the 898G strain was registered by the NIXE laboratory in an international collection with the reference number: BCCM/MUCL 45632.
The Trichoderma Atroviride strain 898G is a fungus having a direct antagonist action on many pathogenic funguses, which live on soils (Fusarium spp., Rhizoctonia spp., Verticillium spp., Armillaria spp., Phyrochaeta spp.) and plants (Phytophtora spp., Botrytis spp. ecc.).
The selected strain differs from others for the great adaptability to environment and especially for the great reproducibility and aggressiveness against pathogens. This means a quicker and more efficacious action and a greater persistence, thanks to their ability to live in soils – occupying the rizosphere and colonizing the roots – and to settle on the aerial part of grass and tree plants.
Soil Association Certification Ltd
Description : Fou furnishings is a specialist organic linens company selling internationally. We offer organic bedding to hotel quality, custom bedding, organic towels and dedicated customer service, to make it easier for those looking to purchase organic linens. For the highest quality organic linens, we source the finest quality organic cottons, in very high thread counts and finish to exacting standards. Available in thread counts up to 600, crafted from 100% Egyptian cotton; in the time honoured tradition of bedding which has graced the world\'s elite hotels. As a mark of quality, our bed linens have made the top three best Organic Textile Products for the second year running. Fou furnishings is also a UK Soil association licensee and all of our organic bedding is certified by the UK Soil Association or Oeko-tex.
Sugar & honey products
Description : Bebidas Aromáticas en cubos de 8.6 gramos, endulzadas con jugo de caña de azúcar 100% biologica.

Presentaciones en formatos de 8’6 grs.para uso individual en hosteleria y alimentacion , en bolsas de 0’500 para heladeria.
Bcs öko Garantie Gmbh
Coffee & substitutes
Description : cafe verde en grano , sacos 70 kilos.

Café biologico tostado Santa Marta Gold 250 grs.
Café biologico tostado Mountain Gold 250 grs.
Café biologico grano Green Beans 250 grs.
Café biologico verde Green Gold 250 grs.
Bcs öko Garantie Gmbh
Description : Jugo de caña de azucar prensado o en polvo.

Se presenta en;

bloques 400 grs.
polvo granulado 500 grs.
bolsa polvo 8 grs.
Meat & sausages etc,,,
Other meat, sausages etc
Description : Boucherie charcuterie artisanale bio , contrôlée et certifiée par ECOCERT.
Nous fabriquons des verrines 190 g de pâté de campagne et pâté de foie.
Ces produits sont élaborés de façon traditionnelle permettant de conserver la qualité et la saveur d\'un produit artisanal.
Nos verrines ont une DLC de 4 ans.
Medicinal & aromatic plants
Description : Nous sommes producteur et transformateur d'huiles essentielles biologiques certifiées par Écocert Canada. Nous offrons 15 variétés d'huiles essentielles et quelques variétés d'hydrolats.
Cosmetic products
other Cosmetic products
Description : Vente et Fabrication Produits Cosmetiques 100%BIO
Qualite France
Other Seeds
Description : Notre société créé en 1984 agit dans le but d\'œuvrer à la restitution des sols par le réemploi des matières organiques fortement délaissées depuis les années 50. Les terreaux et amendements 100% Biologique distribués sous la marque TONUSOL incorporent tous du Lombric Compost. Le Lombric Compost \"produit emblématique de l\'agriculture biologique\" est la transformation des fumiers par les vers de terre, dix fois plus riche que le fumier traditionnel, il permet d\'alléger et de régénérer la terre ainsi que de stimuler la croissance des plantes. Nous sommes d\'autre part certifiés par Qualité France depuis le début de notre activité.
Fruit & vegetables
Dried fruit
Description : Super Star Trading Co.Ltd is one member of the IFOAM, which is the only whole funded enterprises in the edible seeds, nuts, dried fruits industry in China, both organic as well as conventional.

SSTC has been the pioneer in agricultural development with industry changing innovations such as: fresco packed PK, state of the art processing plant build on HACCP/BRC/IFS specifications, electronic color sorters, laser scanners, digital metal detectors, complete trace ability for conventional crops etc.

All this combined with a group of well trained officials makes SST your natural choice for edible seeds, nuts, dried fruits and beans from China.
Herbs, spices & condiments
Dio Certification And Inspection Organisation For Biological Production Methods
Other herbs, spices & condiments
Description : Organic Culinary Herbs producers from Greece.
True Greek Organic Oregano
Cereals & derived products
Control Union
Other cereals & derived products
Description : We are a group of 03 Peruvian companies (Kieber Pacific and Brisas del Lago) that work together and with 09 years of experience in the local market dedicated mainly to the process of grains such us Quinoa (white/black and red), Amaranth, Sesame seeds, bakery products and other line as Rice and canned Trout .

Our main warehouse is located in Lima Peru, where we carry out the cleaning process of raw material through a cleaning machine and an optical color sorting machine and packed of the final product. At our warehouse located in Puno we perform the process of pre selection, washing and drying of the grain. In this warehouse we also have machines that elaborate derivatives products of Quinoa and Amaranth such as flakes, puffs and flour.

At province we have a group of farmers and closely monitor the raw material and all the process is guaranteed under strict international requirements of quality assurance. At the moment we are Kosher certified and organic certified by Control Union from Holland.
Fruit & vegetables
Fresh vegetables
Description : We are one of the largest exporters of fresh vegetables and fruits from India.

We are currently looking to source organically grown
lady finger( okra)from certified organic farms in India.


Suhail Siddiqui
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